aliases: Bee Gee, Brooksy, Sevee, Flo Maxx, and Paisley Black
hometown: Brew City
currently residing in: Chicago, The 'Go!
loves to: Draw on things.
really bad at: Everything else...
(American, b. 1974) Through using character-based drawing and painting practices, I find artistic interest in exploring the commonalities of certain connective aspects of American,Asian and African cultures. Specifically, I am exploring our distinct American footprint by using a combination of folk,tribal-based and other visual symbolism to make idealistic parallels and promote a sense of humor and allegory in my work. My biggest influences include American Folk Art/Tales, Hollywood Horror Imagery, American Punk Rock of the late 1970's and Hip Hop of the early 1980's. I currently work and live in Chicago, and I am very open to all aspects of collaborative work with fellow artist as well as other community-based arts.